Evidence of lime in buildings can be traced back to the beginning of civilization. For centuries, lime was the sole mortar used in construction, until the appearance of Portland Cement which almost completely replaced lime. Fast-forward to twenty years ago when the harmful effects of cement on traditional buildings were finally put in the spotlight. This realisation led to lime making a comeback.
During this course, you will learn everything there is to know about lime: from its rich history, to its creation process, to its uses and beneficial properties in heritage conservation and new-build projects. In the afternoon, be ready to get your hands dirty— from base coat to top coat, you will experience it all!
Dates : TBC
When you think of East Anglian architecture, the first thing to come to mind is, of course, timber-framed houses. The second most common architecture in the region? Bricks! And, with bricks comes pointing. Looking to learn the fine art that is pointing? Well, we can definitely help with that!
During this course, we will go through a bit of theory on lime in general before going into the heart of the subject: pointing. You will be given the opportunity to get hands-on practice on the whole pointing process, from cleaning brick panels, to raking out the existing mortar, to the actual pointing practice before comparing the different types of mixes and finishes.
Dates : TBC
Text TBC
Dates : TBC
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